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Model Non-Exclusive Royalty-Free (NERF) Licence Agreement
A non-exclusive, royalty-free (NERF) licence is available for IP arising from research collaborations in certain situations which include the cost contribution a company makes to the research project.

Model Non-Binding Term Sheet for Licence Agreement
A short, simple contract that summarises the key commercial terms for the licensing deal.

Model Consultancy Agreement
A contract for use where the research performing organisation contracts directly with the client.

Model Non-Exclusive Software Licence Agreement (Fee Bearing, No Royalties)
A software licence that anticipates that no royalties will be payable. Allows commercial use of the software in a particular Field and Territory.

Model Non-Exclusive Software Licence Agreement (Fee Bearing and Royalties)
A software licence that anticipates that royalties will be payable. Allows commercial use of the software in a particular Field and Territory.