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KTI Model Wholly Funded Collaborative Research Agreement
This agreement is for use for collaborative research between a research performing organisation (RPO) and an industry partner when the industry partner is paying 100% of the costs of the project.

The Research Programme Plan Template
A workable example of a programme plan that can be used by both parties to scope out the research that will be done during the collaboration and to understand what each person will bring to the collaboration.

Principal Investigator (PI) Undertaking Template
A sample of the PI Undertaking which is provided by the Principal Investigator (PI) prior to signature of the contract or Collaborative Research Agreement.

Innovation/IP Disclosure Form Template
A sample form to be completed and signed off by the researchers / inventors and the TTO at the time any new innovation is accepted into the TTO as a commercialisation prospect and before it is licensed to any third party...

Background IP Due Diligence Form Template
A sample of the form that should be completed by all collaborating parties on a research programme before they introduce any pre-existing IP (Background IP) into the programme and before listing it as available or restri...