KTI Model Part Funded Collaborative Research Agreement

The agreement is for use for collaborative research between an research performi...

docx  88.8KB

Overview to the KTI Practical Guides to Model Agreements and what agre...

The KTI Model Agreements contained in each Practical Guide take account of the l...

pdf  106.8KB

Model Joint Ownership and Management Agreement

This agreement is for use in situations where it has been agreed that IP, once c...

docx  49.5KB


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KTI Model Part Funded Collaborative Research Agreement  front page preview

KTI Model Part Funded Collaborative Research Agreement

The agreement is for use for collaborative research between an research performing organisation (RPO) and industry partner which is funded partly by the State and partly by the industry partner.

COVID-19 Non Exclusive Royalty-Free (NERF) Licence Agreement  front page preview

COVID-19 Non Exclusive Royalty-Free (NERF) Licence Agreement

This simple two page agreement makes COVID-19 related intellectual property easily available to companies.

KTI Model Standstill Letter  front page preview

KTI Model Standstill Letter

A simple letter of understanding offered at the initial stage of spin-out project development or at company formation in which the RPO commits not to market or license the IP to any third parties for an agreed period.

KTI Model Term Sheet for a Subscription and Shareholders’ Agreement - early Stage Spin-out Company front page preview

KTI Model Term Sheet for a Subscription and Shareholders’ Agreement - early Stage Spin-out Company

This agreement sets the framework for the ongoing relationship and details the key items that will be incorporated into the more detailed Shareholders Agreement

KTI Model Shareholder’s Agreement - early Stage Spin-out Company  front page preview

KTI Model Shareholder’s Agreement - early Stage Spin-out Company

This Agreement outlines the shareholders' rights and obligations and how the company will be managed and operated. The Model Shareholders Agreement is applicable to spin-out at an early stage.